

ホーム > 刊行物 > 地磁気観測所要報 第06巻 第01号 > 地磁気観測所要報 第06巻 第01号 >On the "Three-Hour-Range Indices" K at Kakioka

地磁気観測所要報 第06巻 第01号, p.1, April, 1951

On the "Three-Hour-Range Indices" K at Kakioka

Yumura, T.


 Referred to the normal state of the geomagnetic diurnal variation based on various statistical results from 1925 to 1945, at Kakioka three-hour-range R and indices K were determined as follows:
  Lower limits of ranges R for three-hour-range indices K
  K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  R 0 3γ 6γ 12γ 24γ 40γ 70γ 120γ 200γ 300γ
  The K-scales at San Juan and Honolulu give the same value as that at Kakioka. The frequency-distribution and average daily variation of K, and the characteristic range volume at Kakioka were studied comparing with those at eight stations (Sitka, Niemegk,
  Cheltenham, Tucson, San Juan, Honolulu, Huancayo and Watheroo). The correlation-coefficient between K at Kakioka and Km, mean value at above eight stations was 0.87.
  From the stand-point of the diurnal and seasonal variations of K-indices and together with H-, D- and Z- indices, some characteristics of the variation field at Kakioka were discussed.

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