

ホーム > 刊行物 > 地磁気観測所要報 第04巻 第02号 > 地磁気観測所要報 第04巻 第02号 >On the Electricity on Rain(Part 1)

地磁気観測所要報 第04巻 第02号, p.1, September, 1943

On the Electricity on Rain(Part 1)

Kikuti, S.


 Since Feb. 2601, the writer has carried out a measurement of the electricity on rain. As the first report we investigate the data from Feb. to Aug. of this year.
  In ordinary rainfalls accompanied by atmospheric depression, the charge of both signs is about 0.1 e.s.u. per c.c and not exceeds 0.5 e.s.u. per c.c. The current density due to the rainfall of this kind is in range from 10-14 to 10-15 amp. per square cm. Positively charged rains occur more frequently compared with negative ones.
  In showers accompanied by fronts,the charge amounts over 1.0 e.s.u. and it occurs rarely more than 20 e.s.u. per c.c. The current density of this case is the order of 10-13 amp. per square cm.
  The charge observed in rainy season is about 0.01 e.s.u. per c.c. and smaller than that of ordinary rainfalls.
  When rainfall exceeds 1.5 c.c. per min., zero or negative charge is so slightly that we can not observed it, while positive charge shows a lower value in rainfall from 0.5 to 1.5 c.c. per min. and when it exceeds 1.5 c.c. per min., the charge tends to increase with rainfall.
  As to the relation with the potential gradient, it is a predominant tendency in our case that the negative potential is exclusively accompanied by positively charged rain, while in the foreign countries the negative charge is also observed.

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